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Who needs our services?

The simple is answer is anyone who owns, manages or maintains property overrun by nuisance Canada geese. Typical clients include:

  • homeowners
  • property managers
  • municipalities
  • farmers
  • facility managers
  • condo associations
  • school boards
  • business owners

Where are our services needed?

Anywhere Canada geese congregate and spoil the landscape.
Typical properties include:

  • parks
  • golf courses
  • schools
  • corporate parks
  • estates
  • lake communities
  • airports
  • private lawns

Do-Not-Feed-Geese-Sign-K-6974Habitat modification involves physically altering property to make it less attractive to Canada geese. Modifications made to your property should focus on eliminating or reducing nesting sites and food sources, as well as the access between these items and your pond or lake.


People who feed geese need to be educated about the problems they create. When fed by hand, geese become concentrated, making them more aggressive toward people because they are expecting to be fed. The geese also become more susceptible to disease with artificial feeding. Public areas should have signs that read “DO NOT FEED WATERFOWL”.


Other control methods include: managing plants and grass, fencing and decoys.


Please contact us for more information on all of the methods that can be employed.


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 Member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association


Certified Basic Wildlife Control Operator



Call us for ALL of your Goose Control & Nuissance Wildlife needs
and a complimentary demonstration of our goose dogs at work
845-353-3060     |     914-906-8969


in New Jersey call 201-385-4445